Portland's Pearl District has changed a lot in the last ten years. Old buildings have been renovated or rebuilt, trendy shops have moved in but the thing that hasn't changed are the people who have found themselves on the street. This and Thomas Hawk's $2 Portrait Project are the inspiration for today's picture. It's an attempt to humanize the people who eek by on the generosity of strangers.
When I explained the project my subject was reluctant to give his name but we did talk for a little bit. He's lived in Portland for the last two years and says he's spent the last eleven "travelling" across the United States. Work has been hard to come by and he's trying to get help but often he can collect enough money in a day to get by but it takes all day. He admits that everyone is struggling and it makes him all the more grateful for whatever people can give.
Sigma DP1
17mm, f8, 1/125 sec @ 100 ISO
Sigma DP1
17mm, f7.1, 1/160 sec @ 100 ISO

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