Tuesday, March 8, 2011

2011, Day 067 - Camelias

Ugh, I've was struck down with a mysterious illness today and as a result there has been a delay in this posting. As winter draws to a close in the Pacific Northwest we are teased with nice weather followed by foul wet weather. Generally the rain isn't a problem for me but these late winter storms dump water at such a phenomenal rate that you are soaked through in less than a block.

Anywho, one of the treasures discovered in a break in the weather was a camelia in full bloom.

Canon 1Ds Mark II, Canon 100/f2.8L IS
100mm, f4, 1/80 sec @ 200 ISO

Canon 1Ds Mark II, Canon 100/f2.8L IS
100mm, f4, 1/3200 sec @ 200 ISO

Canon 1Ds Mark II, Canon 100/f2.8L IS
100mm, f4, 1/200 sec @ 200 ISO

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