Saturday, October 15, 2011

2011, Day 288 - Stormy silence

We awoke in Bend to cloudy skies that came and went throughout the day.  One of our last stops was at Crane Prairie reservoir, while there are campsites, gas pumps, a lodge and docks for sail boats it was almost deserted.  We took a moment to walk out on the empty dock to enjoy the mild weather and the gathering clouds.  There is nothing so lonely as an abandoned summer resort...

I have to give the nod to Singh-Ray, their Vari-ND and multiple long exposures where used to create this photograph.  The look I wanted was one of calm so silky smooth water was essential.  Even though it was cloudy and overcast I needed to slow the camera down by about six stops to get the look I wanted.

Canon 1D Mark IV, Canon 16-35/f2.8L Mark II
16mm, f16, 3.2 sec @ 100 ISO

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