Sunday, March 18, 2012

2012, Day 78 - Confluence

Last night I went out adventuring with my friend Julie.  She was relying on me to take her somewhere interesting to shoot because she's a country girl and I live in the city.  Well, there was a false start when I tried taking us to an industrial area but accessibility was poor so we left and went to try another area I had kind of scouted previously and success!

This is the interchange where I-5 and I-405 meet right by the Union Pacific rail yard.  I love the graceful arcing lines of the freeways as they intersect, it almost looks like someone was starting to build a basket out of our highway system.  You could hear the muted roar of cars passing overhead and the chiming of bells as trains entered and exited the yard.  It was a nice night to be running about and enjoying some of the lesser seen sides of Portland.

Canon 1D Mark IV, Canon 17-40/f4L
20mm, f8, 13 sec @ 200 ISO

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