Saturday, April 27, 2013

2013, Day 116 - Frank-in-a-field

Today we had racing practice and, surprisingly, Frankie did well.  Maybe he gets performance anxiety, but he broke out of the starting box really well and managed to hold the lead for almost one hundred yards.  Then he faded, he does that, even for a silken he is a willowy boy.  What's more impressive is that he was running against his uncle Bados who is still ranked amongst the best dogs in the country and his half-brother D'Artagnan who has been racing really well for the last year.  Oh well, he doesn't have to be good, he just has to have fun.

Between races he would rest in the car parked under the canopy of a few large trees.  Now Frankie isn't the best traveller but he is so eager to please that after the first couple of times out of the car he would run back after the race and jump in well before I got there.  He's a good boy and tomorrow he is going to get sardines with his kibble :)

Canon 1D X, Canon 300/f4L IS
300mm, f4.5, 1/1000 sec @ 100 ISO

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