Monday, April 23, 2012

2012, Day 114 - Magic

The warm weather yesterday was all that I needed to pack my camera and head out the door.  I was joined by my friend Julie Ward in a trip to Silver Falls State Park and this time we were going late in the day in order not only to avoid potential crowding but to try to capture a different light.  Unfortunately we were  meant to be four but Brian Matiash and Nicole Young were unable to come at the last minute but I thought I would mention them in order to instill jealousy.

Every time I visit Silver Falls it is a magical experience.  The woods are special, they always look perfect in an almost artificial way.  As I stood under the falls the rush of water drowns out all the other sounds and you can concentrate on your other senses.  The trail is damp and the slight mineral smell of the rocks mingles with the sweetness of the evergreens.  While waiting for my brackets to completely I light mist collected on my skin and the occasional drop of water would land on me.  It was a warm day yesterday, in the eighties, and while it was a little cooler in the woods there was a light refreshing breeze that would tickle your damp skin.  But what is more remarkable is the view.  I almost expect nymphs to emerge from behind the trees but it is hard to be disappointed that they don't because you're still surrounded by a visual feast.

Canon 1D Mark IV, Canon 16-35/f2.8L Mark II
16mm, f16, merged layers of 8 and 15 sec @ 100 ISO

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