Wednesday, February 5, 2014

2014, Day 36 - Pantaloons

Damn it is cold!  When I walked the dogs this evening it was twenty degrees with high winds so with the wind chill it was supposedly two below.  I was bundled up in so many layers I could hardly move; two jackets, long underwear, wool socks, wool cap, heavy gloves, two t-shirts, heavy pants, and for good measure I pulled up the hood over my cap.  It wasn't exactly warm but I survived.  Tomorrow the forecast it calling for up to five inches of snow.  Needless to say, I'm thrilled and I hope that they're right about that because we've had freezing weather a lot this winter but not much in the way of snow.  Until then I am seriously considering some heavy fur leggings like this bee is wearing.

Canon 5D Mark III, Canon 100/f2.8L IS
100mm, f4, 1/500 sec @ 640 ISO

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