Monday, February 10, 2014

2014, Day 41 - Lunging

Eddie is my buddy and he looks beautiful surging through the snow playing with the other dogs.  It would be great if he had the confidence to race because Eddie has a beautiful stride but unfortunately he tends to be a worrier.  If it is new it is a bit overwhelming and the same goes with people; he isn't afraid of them but he would prefer the company of people he already knows.  But Eddie enjoys my company and less than an hour after I took this picture he is curdled up half in my lap and snoozing contentedly.  It's hard not to fall in love with that kind of affection :)

Canon 1D X, Canon 70-200/f2.8L IS Mark II with Canon EF Extender 1.4x Mark III
150mm, f4, 1/1000 sec @ 160 ISO

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