Sunday, March 24, 2013

2013, Day 82 - Must be jam

Everyone loves a good photograph of jellyfish.  I am not sure why this is, maybe it is because they look like ethereal flying mushrooms or that their undulating acrobatics are hypnotic but they are always fun.

I had the pleasure of going to the Portland Aquarium, a small private facility that is actually in Milwaukie.  Honestly, it isn't great, they have it set up with a lot of touch pools which is great for kids but not for the animals.  It is small but most of it looks well maintained and only a few animals showed signs of stress.  Still, it wouldn't be high on my list of things to do again but I went with two three year-olds and their parents plus my mom who is in town for the weekend.  The excitement of children helps to bolster a somewhat lackluster experience.

Canon 7D, Canon 100f2.8L IS
100mm, f2.8, 1/1000 sec @ 640 ISO

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