Sunday, July 1, 2012

2012, Day 183 - Dances with butterflies

It's been all about the dogs this week and today was no exception.  I took Frankie out for a play date because he's been a little nutty this week and I thought he needed to work off some excess energy.  Unfortunately we awoke to rain this morning so we had to wait for it to stop for a few hours so the ground could dry out a bit.

A little before noon we arrived and were greeted by a chorus of barks and howls.  Frankie was a little overwhelmed at first but as he started to recognize all his old friend he got excited.  We had a great time visiting and playing.  One of the most entertaining dogs was Randi.  She and her brother Eddie are both nuts and they spent much of the time walking through the tall grass to flush out moths and butterflies and when they took off the two of them jumped through the air like fish trying to catch their prey.  It was great fun, pictured below is Randi and if you look under her chin you can see a small moth, apparently she misjudged her lunge...

Canon 5D Mark III, Canon 70-200/f2.8L IS Mark II
130mm, f5.6, 1/800 sec @ 500 ISO

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