Thursday, July 19, 2012

2012, Day 200 - Loving butts

Elephants are ubiquitous in Thailand but many are mistreated and when they act out there are few options available but in the mountains outside of Chiang Mai there exists a sanctuary for these amazing animals where they are care for and the scars, both physical and emotional, are allowed to heal.  Some are able to move beyond their pasts while others still act out.  One killed two handlers on different occasions while she was still being used in logging and she still has quite a temper.

Despite all their sometimes checkered pasts they get amazing care.  All are fed multiple times per day, they get bathed daily, some are permitted to form their own family groups, and all get access to veterinary care.  It is amazing the kind of gentleness they are capable of in spite of their frequent mistreatment.

These two emerged from the small river soaking wet and immediately made for the soft dirt to throw over their bodies for protection from the sun.  Well coated, they began rubbing their heads against each other with great affection.  It is sad that elephants are still mistreated throughout the world when they have an emotional range so similar to our own and equally apparent.

Canon 1D Mark IV, Canon 24-70/f2.8L
48mm, 5.6, 1/500 @ 400 ISO

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