Tuesday, July 3, 2012

2012, Day 185 - Hearts of silver and gold

These days we are besieged.  There are so many people and things that want our attention.  Our phones and computers constantly flash alerts telling us we have a message or an appointment or a phone call.  Moments of silence are rare and that's where photography enters my life.  It allows me to capture a moment of calm and as I process the file in Photoshop I stop to consider my composition, the colors, the subject and I start seeing the parts.  Intuition and deliberation come together as I try one thing and then another in an attempt to illicit the response I am looking for from the viewer.  It isn't the same as spending time in a chemical darkroom but it is cleaner, easier and the gratification comes just a little bit faster so I can respond sooner to the notifications on my phone.

Canon 1D Mark IV, Canon 100/f2.8L IS
100mm, f5.6, 1/320 sec @ 500 ISO

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